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A snow did good


瑞雪兆豐年一個漢語成語,拼音是ruì xuě zhào fēng nián,意思為適時的冬雪預示着來年是豐收之年。是來年莊稼獲得豐收的預兆。語出曲波《橋隆飆》十九:“俗語道:‘瑞雪兆豐年’,明年的小麥一定收成好。”





have memories of childhood is snowy, flying in the air that have the white wizard Ruxu, such as butterflies, like birds, with flowers of hope, deep thinking, and floated wide input into the arms of Mother Earth. ??白的樹、白的房、白的原野、白茫茫的天地之間頓時成了一座聖潔的殿堂。

? ? white trees, white house, white plains, between the world of white suddenly become a holy temple. 在這銀裝素裹的世界裏,心兒彷彿也被沉澱、淨濾,變得純潔、聖靈、安靜,使靈魂昇華的像冰雪一樣晶亮透明。 In this snow-bound world, the mind seems to have been precipitated children, the net filter, becomes pure, the Holy Spirit, quiet, so that sublimation of the soul as bright as snow and ice clear. 大地恬然入睡,萬物陷於黙想。

Earth Tianran sleep, things like trapped in Summerside. 誰也不忍打擾這個令人無限遐想的童話世界。 Who also could not bear to disturb the reverie of the fairy tale world is unlimited. ??大人們可以安然的躲在家裏,用雪的純潔追憶着似水年華和對來年的希冀與祝福,侃着天、喝着茶,享受着空氣裏親情流動的温馨與快樂。

? ? The people can hide Enron's home, the purity of snow Remembrance of Things Past, and the hopes and wishes for the coming year, McCain a day, drinking tea, enjoying the warm air flow and happy family. ??雪停的時候,可以跑出去堆雪人、打雪仗,給胖胖的雪娃娃帶上紅色的帽子、紅色的圍巾。 ? ? when the snow had stopped, you can run out making snowmen, snowball fights, snow doll to put on fat red hat, red scarf. 在雪地裏你追我趕、摔跤、打滾、盡情嬉戲。

Surpassed each other in the snow, wrestling, roll, enjoy playing. 耳畔響着腳踩在雪上面的聲音,嘎吱、嘎吱的,像一曲隨意的調子,但卻感覺別有一番韻律。 Ears ringing foot on the snow above the sound, crunch, crunch, like a casual tone, but do not have a sense of rhythm. 雪朵擦亮了這個世界,我們總能在雪後看到一方碧藍的天空下,那樹、那房、那人、那原野,如一幅意境靈動、簡約的畫卷塵封在記憶深處。

Snow flower polished this world, we always see in the snow after the party under the blue sky, that tree, that room, that person, that fields, such as a mood Smart, simple picture of gathering dust in the memories. 那份當時的喜悦與陶醉至今仍在心裏縈繞。 Share of joy and intoxication at the time still linger heart. ??就在我懷念童年的冬雪而為這個冬天將會無雪,感到尷尬和失落時,天空中飄起了雪花,落下來的雪飄到地上濕漉漉的,雖然後來有了薄薄的一層,但卻根本沒有辦法堆雪人、打雪仗。

? ? miss my childhood in winter snow and no snow for this winter will feel embarrassed and lost, the sky washed up the snow, falling to the Xuepiao to the ground wet, although there was a thin layer, but no way to make a snowman, snowball fights. 人們走在路上,一腳踏出泥底,鞋子弄的髒兮兮的,身旁車來車往碾起的雪水,一不小心會落在衣服上,泥跡斑斑。 People walking on the road, kick the mud step, shoes get dirty, and side car to drive to grind from the snow, believe it will fall clothes, track mud stains. 路人一副眉頭緊促的樣子,心情亦有些沮喪,全然沒有當年雪中漫中的感覺。

Passers-by a brow pressed look, feel and some frustration, not completely diffuse in the sense of snow that year. 真的哀歎現在很少有一場能讓人享受的淋漓盡致的雪了。 Really bemoan people now can enjoy a few of the most vividly the snow. ??雪越來越稀罕了,大雪變小雪,多雪變少雪,根據科學家分析:少雪或者無雪是氣候變暖的原因,氣候變暖是因為“温室效應”,而“温室效應”是因工業化帶來的大氣污染。

? ? snow more and more rare, and snow changing to light snow, snowy fewer snow, according to scientists Analysis: less snow or no snow because of global warming, climate warming because of the "greenhouse effect" and "greenhouse effect" is the air pollution caused by industrialization. 但是我們現在失去的已不僅僅是雪,而是人們賴以生存的自然環境,而我所企盼的,也不僅僅是雪,而是人類環境意識的覺醒。 But we have lost not only snow, but people rely on the natural environment, and I look forward to, and not just snow, but the human environment consciousness. ??北方無雪的冬天是不完整的,人生的境遇亦是如此,不經歷悲歡離合、風霜雨雪,如何能品得其中的滋味。

? ? northern winter without snow is not complete, the situation of life is also true, does not experience sorrow and joy, wind, frost, rain and snow, how can one get the taste of products. 記得曾經有人説過,雖然不管是蕩氣迴腸的愛情史詩,還是氣吞山河的豐功偉績,終究會像落雪般消逝,但留給人們的無疑是一筆寶貴的財富。 Remember someone had said, although whether it is soul-stirring epic of love, or the Majestic's great achievements, 。



歌詞:Edelweiss, edelweiss

Every morning you greet me

Small and white

Clean and bright

You look happy to meet me

Blossom of snow

May you bloom and grow

Bloom and grow forever

Edelweiss, edelweiss

Bless my homeland forever

Small and white

Clean and bright

You look happy to meet me

Blossom of snow

May you bloom and grow

Bloom and grow forever

Edelweiss, edelweiss

Bless my homeland forever


A Snowy Sunset

Snow Snow on the ground

Sun is sinking down down down

Trees trees covered in Wight

People gasp at the sight

Snow Snow on the ground

Animals scurry all around

Snow Snow in your hair

Stiffness and cold in the air

Snow Snow on the ground

People sledding down down down

Hot Coco and coffee inside

Why not go for another sled ride

Snow Snow on the ground

The sun has set past the ground

Lights light up the city bright

People every where say what a sight


have memories of childhood is snowy, flying in the air that have the white wizard Ruxu, such as butterflies, like birds, with flowers of hope, deep thinking, and floated wide input into the arms of Mother Earth. ??白的樹、白的房、白的原野、白茫茫的天地之間頓時成了一座聖潔的殿堂。

? ? white trees, white house, white plains, between the world of white suddenly become a holy temple. 在這銀裝素裹的世界裏,心兒彷彿也被沉澱、淨濾,變得純潔、聖靈、安靜,使靈魂昇華的像冰雪一樣晶亮透明。 In this snow-bound world, the mind seems to have been precipitated children, the net filter, becomes pure, the Holy Spirit, quiet, so that sublimation of the soul as bright as snow and ice clear. 大地恬然入睡,萬物陷於黙想。

Earth Tianran sleep, things like trapped in Summerside. 誰也不忍打擾這個令人無限遐想的童話世界。 Who also could not bear to disturb the reverie of the fairy tale world is unlimited. ??大人們可以安然的躲在家裏,用雪的純潔追憶着似水年華和對來年的希冀與祝福,侃着天、喝着茶,享受着空氣裏親情流動的温馨與快樂。

? ? The people can hide Enron's home, the purity of snow Remembrance of Things Past, and the hopes and wishes for the coming year, McCain a day, drinking tea, enjoying the warm air flow and happy family. ??雪停的時候,可以跑出去堆雪人、打雪仗,給胖胖的雪娃娃帶上紅色的帽子、紅色的圍巾。 ? ? when the snow had stopped, you can run out making snowmen, snowball fights, snow doll to put on fat red hat, red scarf. 在雪地裏你追我趕、摔跤、打滾、盡情嬉戲。

Surpassed each other in the snow, wrestling, roll, enjoy playing. 耳畔響着腳踩在雪上面的聲音,嘎吱、嘎吱的,像一曲隨意的調子,但卻感覺別有一番韻律。 Ears ringing foot on the snow above the sound, crunch, crunch, like a casual tone, but do not have a sense of rhythm. 雪朵擦亮了這個世界,我們總能在雪後看到一方碧藍的天空下,那樹、那房、那人、那原野,如一幅意境靈動、簡約的畫卷塵封在記憶深處。

Snow flower polished this world, we always see in the snow after the party under the blue sky, that tree, that room, that person, that fields, such as a mood Smart, simple picture of gathering dust in the memories. 那份當時的喜悦與陶醉至今仍在心裏縈繞。 Share of joy and intoxication at the time still linger heart. ??就在我懷念童年的冬雪而為這個冬天將會無雪,感到尷尬和失落時,天空中飄起了雪花,落下來的雪飄到地上濕漉漉的,雖然後來有了薄薄的一層,但卻根本沒有辦法堆雪人、打雪仗。

? ? miss my childhood in winter snow and no snow for this winter will feel embarrassed and lost, the sky washed up the snow, falling to the Xuepiao to the ground wet, although there was a thin layer, but no way to make a snowman, snowball fights. 人們走在路上,一腳踏出泥底,鞋子弄的髒兮兮的,身旁車來車往碾起的雪水,一不小心會落在衣服上,泥跡斑斑。 People walking on the road, kick the mud step, shoes get dirty, and side car to drive to grind from the snow, believe it will fall clothes, track mud stains. 路人一副眉頭緊促的樣子,心情亦有些沮喪,全然沒有當年雪中漫中的感覺。

Passers-by a brow pressed look, feel and some frustration, not completely diffuse in the sense of snow that year. 真的哀歎現在很少有一場能讓人享受的淋漓盡致的雪了。 Really bemoan people now can enjoy a few of the most vividly the snow. ??雪越來越稀罕了,大雪變小雪,多雪變少雪,根據科學家分析:少雪或者無雪是氣候變暖的原因,氣候變暖是因為“温室效應”,而“温室效應”是因工業化帶來的大氣污染。

? ? snow more and more rare, and snow changing to light snow, snowy fewer snow, according to scientists Analysis: less snow or no snow because of global warming, climate warming because of the "greenhouse effect" and "greenhouse effect" is the air pollution caused by industrialization. 但是我們現在失去的已不僅僅是雪,而是人們賴以生存的自然環境,而我所企盼的,也不僅僅是雪,而是人類環境意識的覺醒。 But we have lost not only snow, but people rely on the natural environment, and I look forward to, and not just snow, but the human environment consciousness. ??北方無雪的冬天是不完整的,人生的境遇亦是如此,不經歷悲歡離合、風霜雨雪,如何能品得其中的滋味。

? ? northern winter without snow is not complete, the situation of life is also true, does not experience sorrow and joy, wind, frost, rain and snow, how can one get the taste of products. 記得曾經有人説過,雖然不管是蕩氣迴腸的愛情史詩,還是氣吞山河的豐功偉績,終究會像落雪般消逝,但留給人們的無疑是一筆寶貴的財富。 Remember someone had said, although whether it is soul-stirring epic of love, or the Majestic's great achievements, in。

6.英文作文A heary snow

It's snowing outside. This is the heaviest snow I have seen .And I like snow.

Open the window, and I can see a white world- The buildings, roads, trees and many other things are all covered with white snow! It looks so beautiful!

It didn't snow yesterday. But there is a lot of snow today. Because it was snowing the day before yesterday. Children have made lots of snowmen. I made a very big snowman, too. He is wearing a red cap and a white coat. He is smiling at everyone he has seen. So I think it must be very happy at the time. Look! How happy he is!

Now, he is standing in the snow. He is still smiling. Snow is its home..

A few people walk quickly in the snow. When they see this snowman, are they smiling?
