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充電寶用英語怎麼說 充電寶的英文

1. power bank;

2. charge pal;

3. iphone;

4. Charger baby.

1. 短語

職場充電寶 Workplace charging treasure

無線充電寶 Wireless charger

拋棄式紙充電寶 Disposable paper charger

2. 造句


A mobile power supply (Charge Pal) with a switch must be in the OFF mode during flight.


Mobile power supply (Charge Pal): It is regarded as spare lithium battery and can only becarried in hand baggage.


"Charging Po" is as spare lithium battery, passengers carrying "Charging Po" should follow thespare lithium batteries transportation standard.


充電寶的英文單詞是: power bank;charge pal;iphone;Charger baby.短語職場充電寶 Workplace charging treasure無線充電寶 Wireless charger拋棄式紙充電寶 Disposable paper charger造句(1)對於有啓動開關的移動電源(充電寶),在飛行途中應確保其始終在關閉狀態。

A mobile power supply (Charge Pal) with a switch must be in the OFF mode during flight. (2)移動電源(充電寶):視爲備用鋰電池,乘機時只能隨身攜帶。Mobile power supply (Charge Pal): It is regarded as spare lithium battery and can only becarried in hand baggage. (3)“充電寶”等同於備用鋰電池,旅客攜帶“充電寶”乘機應按照備用鋰電池運輸標準進行運輸。

"Charging Po" is as spare lithium battery, passengers carrying "Charging Po" should follow thespare lithium batteries transportation standard。.。



1. power bank;

2. charge pal;

3. iphone;

4. Charger baby.

1. 短語

職場充電寶 Workplace charging treasure

無線充電寶 Wireless charger

拋棄式紙充電寶 Disposable paper charger

2. 造句


A mobile power supply (Charge Pal) with a switch must be in the OFF mode during flight.


Mobile power supply (Charge Pal): It is regarded as spare lithium battery and can only becarried in hand baggage.


"Charging Po" is as spare lithium battery, passengers carrying "Charging Po" should follow thespare lithium batteries transportation standard.

標籤:寶用 英語 充電