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1. 英文小短文



我們可以從幾件小事來了解和認識她。 我們街道有一位孤寡老人王奶奶,她的生活很艱難,姑姑知道了以後就經常去幫助老人家,給老人做飯,洗衣服,打掃房間,還常陪老人聊天,有一次老人晚間突發疾病,姑姑不顧自己身體的病痛,背起老人就往醫院跑,一路上累的汗流浹背老人看在眼裏疼在心裏不住的說“就是我的親閨女也做不到呀。”

姑姑聽了一抹臉上的汗水露出開心的笑容。 還有一件事,姑姑在電視上看見在偏遠的山區有很多的孩子因爲家庭貧困而輟學,姑姑很心痛。


這就是我的姑姑那麼平凡,那麼善良,她用自己的愛心澆灌柔弱的秧苗,她沒有輝煌的人生,顯赫的地位,,但她卻做了本該每個人都去做的事,她不是聖人,就是一個普通人,一個讓人尊敬的好人。 My aunt and my family are living in a village, my aunt is a busy man, she is honest, helpful. We can learn and know her from a few things.. Our street is an elderly Grandma Wang, she lived a hard life, aunt know later would often go to help the elderly home, cook for the elderly, washing clothes, cleaning the room, also often accompany the old person to chat, a man evening sudden illness, aunt regardless of their own body pains, back up the old man to the hospital run. A way tired sweating elderly look in the eyes of the pain in the mind doesn't live of said "is my own daughter to also can not do it." Aunt listened to a sweat on the face exposed happy smile. Another thing, aunt on TV to see many children in the remote mountain because of the family poverty and drop out of school, aunt very heartache. She wanted children are the flowers of the motherland can't let premature flowers wither, she took the initiative to contact these children to them stretched out a helping hand, from their own meager wages took part to give children buy books to buy pens, often encourage their, this help is more than ten years in aunt's funding many children finish school, some children also entered the ivory tower has become the pillars of the state. There is a special wall hung above the certificates and certificate of these children, aunt often to me that these are not only the children's honor and her honor. She is very happy at my aunt's house. This is my aunt so ordinary, so good, she with tender and his love of the watering seedlings, she have a brilliant life, a prominent position, but she did the everyone to do things, she is not a saint, is an ordinary person, a respectable man.我的姑姑英文作文:我的姑姑 在我上小學二年級的時候,有一天放學回到家,爺爺7a686964616fe58685e5aeb931333361313330叫我過去看他手上的一張報紙;爺爺手指着一個姑娘的像片對我說:“呶,她就是遠房的小姑姑。”

我看看照片,又看看爺爺,然後問:“小姑怎麼會上報紙呢?” “她舞跳得好,得了第一名唄。” 於是爺爺笑了,有點自豪,我也笑。

沒過幾天,省城的小姑到我們家來了,左鄰右舍都圍攏過來看她,爺爺便不時指着小姑向大家介紹說:“卉之的小姑姑,家住在省城,舞跳得可好喲,還上報了呢。” 周圍的人嘖嘖乍舌。

我也乍舌。 小姑帶我上街玩,牽着我,我看着她,仰着頭,太陽從她頭頂上照下來,明晃晃的。

於是我就有了一種感覺,覺得天地間小姑姑最了不起。 這當兒有我的同學走近我,還問:“卉之,她是誰呀?” “我小姑姑。”

“以前沒見過呀?” “我小姑姑住省城,她舞跳得可好呢,還上了報紙。” “上了報紙?”同學呆了一樣。


“一定來喲!” “一定來!” 這以後,我便整天盼着小姑姑能來,盼望小姑姑仍牽着我的手滿街玩,讓明晃晃地太陽從她頭頂上照下來。 可惜我沒有再過這遠房的小姑姑。



一週後,爸爸帶我去省城領獎。 在省城逗留的期間,爸爸帶我去看望了小姑姑,路上,小姑姑那次來我家時的樣子在我腦海裏像映像紙一樣變得慢慢清晰起來,想着小姑姑牽着我的手走在大街上,有明晃晃的太陽從小姑姑頭頂上照下來。


2. 英語如何說親屬稱謂

親屬稱謂 表姑 Second cousin 表叔 Second cousin 表兄弟 Father's sister's sons; male cousin 表兄弟 Maternal male cousin 表侄 Second cousin 表姊妹 Father's sister's daughters; female cousin 表姊妹 Maternal female cousin 伯父/大爺 Father's older brother; Elder uncle 伯母/大娘 Father's older brother's wife; Aunt 伯叔祖父 Father's father's brother; Great uncle 伯叔祖母 Father's father's brother's wife; Great aunt 長兄/哥哥 Older Brother 長姊/姐姐 Older Sister 大伯 Husband's older brother; brother-in-law 大姑 Husband's older sister; sister-in-law 弟婦/弟妹 Younger brother's wife; sister-in-law 兒子 Son 父親/爸爸 Father 高祖父 Great great grandfather 高祖母 Great great grandmother 公公 Husband's father 姑夫 Father's sister's husband; Husband of paternal aunt; uncle 姑母 Father's sister; Paternal aunt 姑爺 Father's father's sister's husband; Paternal grandaunt's husband 繼父 Step father 繼母 Step mother 襟兄弟 Husband of wife's sister 舅父/舅舅 Mother's brother; Maternal uncle 舅母/妗子 Mother's brother's wife; Maternal uncle's wife 妹夫 Younger sister's husband 母親/媽媽 Mother 內弟/小舅子 Wife's younger brother 內兄/大舅子 Wife's older brother 女兒 Daughter 女婿 Daughter's husband; Son-in-law 婆婆 Husband's mother; mother-in-law 妻子/老婆 Wife 嫂/嫂子 Older brother's wife; sister-in-law 嬸母/嬸子 Father's younger brother's wife; Aunt 叔父/叔叔 Father's younger brother; Uncle 叔丈母 Wife's aunt 叔丈人 Wife's uncle 孫女 Son's daughter; Granddaughter 孫女婿 Son's daughter's husband; Granddaughter's husband 孫媳夫 Son's son's wife; Grandson's wife 孫子 Son's son; Grandson 堂兄弟 Father's brother's sons; Paternal male cousin 堂姊妹 Father's brother's daughters; Paternal female cousin 同胞兄妹 Sibling 外甥 Sister's son 外甥 Wife's sibling's son 外甥女 Sister's daughter 外甥女 Wife's sibling's daughter 外甥女婿 Sister's daughter's husband 外甥媳婦 Sister's son's wife 外孫 Daughter's son; grandson 外孫女 Daughter's daughter; granddaughter 外祖父/外公/老爺 Mother's father; Maternal grandfather 外祖母/外婆/姥姥 Mother's mother; Maternal grandmother 媳婦 Son's wife; Daughter-in-law 小姑 Husband's younger sister; sister-in-law 小叔 Husband's younger brother; brother-in-law 玄孫 Great great grandson 養父 Foster, adopted father 養母 Foster, adopted mother 姨夫 Mother's sister's husband; Husband of mother's sister 姨姐/大姨 Wife's elder sister; sister-in-law 姨妹/小姨 Wife's younger sister; sister-in-law 姨母/姨媽 Mother's sister 姨甥男女 Wife's sister's children 幼弟/弟弟 Younger Brother 幼妹/妹妹 Younger Sister 岳父 Wife's father, Father-in-law 岳母 Wife's mother, Mother-in-law 曾孫 Great grandson 曾祖父/老爺爺 Father's father's father; Great grandfathera 曾祖母/老奶奶 Father's father's mother; Great grandmother 丈夫/老公 Husband 侄女 Brother's daughter; niece 侄女婿 Brother's daughter's husband; niece's husband 侄孫 Grandnephew 侄孫女 Grand niece 侄媳婦 Brother's son's wife; nephew's wife 侄子 Brother's son; nephew 祖父/爺爺 Father's father; Paternal grandfather 祖姑母/姑奶奶 Father's father's sister; 祖母/奶奶 Father's mother; Paternal grandmother 姊夫/姐夫 Older sister's husband 妯娌 Brother's wife; sister-in-law。

3. 英語如何說親屬稱謂

親屬稱謂 表姑 Second cousin 表叔 Second cousin 表兄弟 Father's sister's sons; male cousin 表兄弟 Maternal male cousin 表侄 Second cousin 表姊妹 Father's sister's daughters; female cousin 表姊妹 Maternal female cousin 伯父/大爺 Father's older brother; Elder uncle 伯母/大娘 Father's older brother's wife; Aunt 伯叔祖父 Father's father's brother; Great uncle 伯叔祖母 Father's father's brother's wife; Great aunt 長兄/哥哥 Older Brother 長姊/姐姐 Older Sister 大伯 Husband's older brother; brother-in-law 大姑 Husband's older sister; sister-in-law 弟婦/弟妹 Younger brother's wife; sister-in-law 兒子 Son 父親/爸爸 Father 高祖父 Great great grandfather 高祖母 Great great grandmother 公公 Husband's father 姑夫 Father's sister's husband; Husband of paternal aunt; uncle 姑母 Father's sister; Paternal aunt 姑爺 Father's father's sister's husband; Paternal grandaunt's husband 繼父 Step father 繼母 Step mother 襟兄弟 Husband of wife's sister 舅父/舅舅 Mother's brother; Maternal uncle 舅母/妗子 Mother's brother's wife; Maternal uncle's wife 妹夫 Younger sister's husband 母親/媽媽 Mother 內弟/小舅子 Wife's younger brother 內兄/大舅子 Wife's older brother 女兒 Daughter 女婿 Daughter's husband; Son-in-law 婆婆 Husband's mother; mother-in-law 妻子/老婆 Wife 嫂/嫂子 Older brother's wife; sister-in-law 嬸母/嬸子 Father's younger brother's wife; Aunt 叔父/叔叔 Father's younger brother; Uncle 叔丈母 Wife's aunt 叔丈人 Wife's uncle 孫女 Son's daughter; Granddaughter 孫女婿 Son's daughter's husband; Granddaughter's husband 孫媳夫 Son's son's wife; Grandson's wife 孫子 Son's son; Grandson 堂兄弟 Father's brother's sons; Paternal male cousin 堂姊妹 Father's brother's daughters; Paternal female cousin 同胞兄妹 Sibling 外甥 Sister's son 外甥 Wife's sibling's son 外甥女 Sister's daughter 外甥女 Wife's sibling's daughter 外甥女婿 Sister's daughter's husband 外甥媳婦 Sister's son's wife 外孫 Daughter's son; grandson 外孫女 Daughter's daughter; granddaughter 外祖父/外公/老爺 Mother's father; Maternal grandfather 外祖母/外婆/姥姥 Mother's mother; Maternal grandmother 媳婦 Son's wife; Daughter-in-law 小姑 Husband's younger sister; sister-in-law 小叔 Husband's younger brother; brother-in-law 玄孫 Great great grandson 養父 Foster, adopted father 養母 Foster, adopted mother 姨夫 Mother's sister's husband; Husband of mother's sister 姨姐/大姨 Wife's elder sister; sister-in-law 姨妹/小姨 Wife's younger sister; sister-in-law 姨母/姨媽 Mother's sister 姨甥男女 Wife's sister's children 幼弟/弟弟 Younger Brother 幼妹/妹妹 Younger Sister 岳父 Wife's father, Father-in-law 岳母 Wife's mother, Mother-in-law 曾孫 Great grandson 曾祖父/老爺爺 Father's father's father; Great grandfathera 曾祖母/老奶奶 Father's father's mother; Great grandmother 丈夫/老公 Husband 侄女 Brother's daughter; niece 侄女婿 Brother's daughter's husband; niece's husband 侄孫 Grandnephew 侄孫女 Grand niece 侄媳婦 Brother's son's wife; nephew's wife 侄子 Brother's son; nephew 祖父/爺爺 Father's father; Paternal grandfather 祖姑母/姑奶奶 Father's father's sister; 祖母/奶奶 Father's mother; Paternal grandmother 姊夫/姐夫 Older sister's husband 妯娌 Brother's wife; sister-in-law。
