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1. 一樓和二樓的英語單詞怎麼讀

一樓:ground floor [graʊnd flɔː] ; firs floor [fɜːst flɔː]二樓:second floor ['sek(ə)nd flɔː] 例句:1、我之前已經提到過這個,它就像是樓房的一樓。


I already mentioned that. It's like the ground floor. 2、當我們向家進發的時候,我轉過頭看着校舍,唯一看見的就是站在一樓窗口的那個士兵,目送着我的離去。As we were marching home, I turned to look at the schoolhouse. And who should I see, but my soldier in the first floor window. 3、地震發生時,周圍的牆和天花板開始破碎。

而此時,朱利安·瑟德森正在他的公寓內,一座老舊的磚砌電影院一樓。Julian Sanderson was in his apartment on the first floor of an old brick movie theater when thewalls and ceiling began to crumble around him。

標籤:英語 二樓