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1. 英雄聯盟亞索、卡牌、劍姬的英文名是什麼

劍姬的英文名:Fiora 卡牌的英文名:Twisted Fate 亞索的英文名:Yasuo 《英雄聯盟》: 《英雄聯盟》(簡稱LOL)是由美國拳頭遊戲(Riot Games)開發、中國大陸地區騰訊遊戲代理運 營的英雄對戰DOTA類競技網遊。


遊戲裏擁有數百個個性英雄,並擁有排位系統、天賦系統、符文系統等特色養成系統。 《英雄聯盟》還致力於推動全球電子競技的發展,除了聯動各賽區發展職業聯賽、打造電競體 系之外,每年還會舉辦“季中冠軍賽”“全球總決賽”“All Star全明星賽”三大世界級賽 事,獲得了億萬玩家的喜愛,形成了自己獨有的電子競技文化。

2. 亞索英文名咋讀

外文名:Yasuo、ヤスオ(康夫)、the Unforgiven中文名:亞索疾風劍豪亞索是實時對戰、大型3D網絡競技遊戲《英雄聯盟》裏面第117位英雄。




2、在18級時,亞索的斬鋼閃只需要從裝備中獲取 55% 攻擊速度,即可到達攻擊速度上限。3、狂風絕息斬可以對着任何被擊飛的目標施放,即使這個擊飛效果是你的友軍造成的。


3. 亞索說的英文

hasaki 刃先(はさき) ,劍刃的意思

出場臺詞 Upon Selection

死亡如風,常伴吾身。"Death is like the wind; always by my side."

行動臺詞 Action

移動 Movement

長路漫漫,惟劍做伴。 "A sword's poor company for a long road."

吾之榮耀,離別已久。 "My honor left a long time ago."

寧日安在,無人能雲。 "No-one is promised tomorrow."

且隨疾風前行,身後亦須留心。 "Follow the wind, but watch your back."

此劍之勢,愈斬愈烈。 "This blade never gets any lighter."

仁義道德,也是一種奢侈。 "Virtue is no more than a luxury."

滅亡之路,短的超乎你的想象。 "The road to ruin is shorter than you think."

無罪之人,方可安睡。 "Sleep is for the guiltless."

正義,好個冠冕堂皇之詞。 "Justice. That's a pretty word."

回首往昔,更進一步。 "Hmph. One step ahead of the past."

吾雖浪跡天涯,卻未迷失本心。 "A wanderer isn't always lost."

我還在尋找回家的路。 "Just looking for a road home."

不可久留於一處。 "Never could stay in one place."

我將遵循此道,直至終結。 "I will follow this path until the end."

榮耀存於心,而非流於形。 "Honor is in the heart, not the name."

吾之初心,永世不忘。 "I will not forget who I am."

這個故事還沒有完結。"This story is not yet finished."

樹葉的一生,只是爲了歸根吧? "Is a leaf's only purpose to fall?"

汝欲赴死,易如反掌。"Hmph。 dying's the easy part

4. 求LOL亞索的英文背景故事

不廢話,直接上LOL亞索的英文背景故事!Arthorn is a have a will of iron swordsman, sensitivedancing cool breeze to crushed his enemies. This name the arrogant warrior because by the rogue and cast a shadow,he was forced to take desperate fight for survival。

In the face of all people's misunderstanding, arthorn will do whatever it takes to clear his charges, let justice to regainhis glory.Once upon a time, in love echo a prestigious fencing WuSook, famous outstanding Apprentice - current arthorn - isonly one of the students master the wind of patients. Many people believe that by nature he is destined to be a hero,but at that moment the invasion massively in noxus, his fate will be changed. Arthorn's duty is to guard as a love echoolder sage, but he is too believe his swordsmanship,therefore made a stupid mistake, he leaves his post without permission to join the fight, think you can change the situation. However, for him to return, waiting for his isalready dead sage.Such mistakes let arthorn face Matt, he had given his life to do as the price consciousness. But to arthorn be startled atis, he is not accused of dereliction of duty, should also include murder. Even in extreme confusion state, sense of sin is that he hardly wished to live. arthorn, but knew that if he fight, to assassinate the villains will be still unpunished.So, arthorn raised his sharp sword and martial school for the enemy, fought his way out; he knew before he wasframed for treason at the same time, the Ao Niya haveregarded him as the enemy. The very first time, be on one's own arthorn, set out in search of sage who murder.Arthorn spent years walk, don't let any one point may lead him to find the killer traces. Of course, past the Alliescontinued to kill him, so he is in long-term war die situation.With the task of power to arthorn bringing myself to move on, until he most feared opponent - dear brother Yacoagulation found traces of his.Its former glory duel practice still deeply imprinted in two soldiers of the mind, they bow deeply to each other, and then draw the sword. Quiet moonlight two slowly walkingcircle figure, finally, they finally into each other. Yacondensate not enemy arthorn the glint and flash of cold steel, flash, the former will topple. Arthorn immediatelythrow down your weapons, rushed to the brother's side.Topple the mountains and overturn the seas emotiongushing, arthorn trying to figure out what is what, let his only sibling thinks his guilty. Ya coagulation qiruoyousi,slowly opening said: "the sage died in the operation of the wind。 Besides you, who else can do it? "The truth finally,arthorn now just understand oneself be framed of the plateau. He told the brother complained of his innocence,but also for his forgive. When Ya coagulation in his armsdie, shed floods down one's cheeks. arthorn.In the morning sunrise, arthorn buried Ya coagulationremains. He did not have much time to mourn his brother,other soldiers will soon follow. Ya coagulation revealed the fact to a key clue to arthorn murderer, also have a brand new goal. To pack, arthorn heart secretly vowed to his brother, take one last look at the Ya coagulationtombstone, he set sail on the breeze in the."No scabbard sword say every word, are to the blood as inkto write the story. "- arthorn補充一下中文版的:亞索是一個百折不屈的男人,還是一名身手敏捷的劍客,能夠運用風的力量來斬殺敵人。








