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1. “元宵”的英語怎麼說

農曆正月十五:January 15 on the lunar calendar


元宵節:Lantern Festival

festivalof lanterns


the rice glue ball

Sweet dumplings of glutinous rice flour

sweet dumplings

湯圓:glutinous rice balls

glue pudding

sweet dumplings

rice dumpling

sweet soup balls

燈謎:riddles written on lanterns

燈具:lamps and lanterns



燈塔:beacon lighthousepharos

燈語:lamp signal

燈油:kerosene lamp oil


How celebrate people the Lantern Festival, usually?


On the Lantern Festival, many people will carry colorful lanterns and attend the riddle-guessing contests.


On the Lantern Festival, which marks the end of the celebrations of the Lunar New Year, rice glue balls/glutinous rice balls are a traditionalmust-have for everybody.


People usually eat rice glue balls on Lantern festival.


People usually eat rice glue balls on Lantern festival.


On the Lantern Festival, many people will carry colorful lanterns and attend the riddle-guessing contests.

2. “元宵”的英語怎麼說

“元宵”Lantern festival" 元宵節,又稱上元節、小正月、元夕或燈節,是春節之後的第一個重要節日,是中國亦是漢字文化圈的地區和海外華人的傳統節日之一。

正月是農曆的元月,古人稱夜爲“宵”,所以把一年中第一個月圓之夜正月十五稱爲元宵節。[1-2] 中國古俗中,上元節(元宵節)﹑中元節(盂蘭盆節)﹑下元節(水官節)合稱三元。



[3] 傳統習俗出門賞月、燃燈放焰、喜猜燈謎、共吃元宵、拉兔子燈等。此外,不少地方元宵節還增加了耍龍燈、耍獅子、踩高蹺、劃旱船、扭秧歌、打太平鼓等傳統民俗表演。


3. “元宵”的英語怎麼說


Lantern festival"





4. 元宵節的英語怎麼寫

The Lantern Festival。

關於元宵節的句子英語翻譯:1、月圓人也圓,歡歡喜喜都笑顏;福來運更來,甜甜蜜蜜美夢裁;樂事伴喜事,倖幸福福喜滋滋;情久笑更久,美夢在你心中留!元宵節快樂!When the moon is full, people will smile when they are happy. When they are happy, they will be happy. When they are happy, they will be happy. When they are happy, they will be happy. When they are in love, they will laugh for a long time, and their dreams will stay in your heart! Happy Lantern Festival!2、正月十五月兒圓,歡樂喜慶到人間;正月十五元宵甜,萬里河山盡開顏,正月十五幸福綿,好運好事喜連連,正月十五手相牽,幸福生活比蜜甜,短信一條到身邊,願您開心過新年!On the 15th day of the first month, the children are round and happy to the world; on the 15th day of the first month, the Yuanxiao is sweet and the rivers and mountains are full of beauty; on the 15th day of the first month, happiness is continuous and good luck and good things are continuous. On the 15th day of the first month, hand in hand, happy life is sweeter than honey. A text message comes to you, wishing you a happy New Year!3、送你一碗圓圓湯圓,以幸福、快樂爲餡,用開心久久包圍,用團圓來薰陶,以吉祥爲湯水,在好運上慢慢熬製,只爲在元宵佳節送你,願你幸福一生安康!Send you a bowl of round dumplings, filled with happiness and happiness, surrounded by happiness for a long time, edified by reunion, soup with auspiciousness, boiled slowly on good luck, only to send you on the Lantern Festival, wish you a happy and healthy life!4、月兒圓,人團圓,彩燈映紅佳節夜,舞龍獅,慶元宵,恭賀吉祥又如意,閤家歡,福滿堂,生活幸福人安康,祝你願願如意,事事順利,元宵節快樂!The moon is round, the people are reunited, the lantern is red, the dragon and lion are dancing, the Lantern Festival is celebrated, the auspiciousness and good luck are congratulated, the family is happy, the life is happy and the people are well-being, I wish you all the best, everything goes well, the Lantern Festival is happy!5、元宵佳節到,花燈到處照。送您一碗特製湯圓:真心餡,好運料,健康皮,平安汁。

送您一份祝福,人團圓,樂逍遙,福無邊。祝您元宵快樂閤家歡!When the Lantern Festival comes, the lanterns are everywhere. Send you a bowl of special Tangyuan: sincere filling, good luck material, healthy skin, safe juice. Send you a blessing, people reunite, happy, boundless. Wish you a happy Lantern Festival!。

5. 元宵節用英語怎麼翻譯

元宵節的英文:the Lantern Festival Festival 讀法 英 [ˈfestəvl] 美 [ˈfɛstəvl] 1、作名詞的意思是:節日;慶祝,紀念活動;歡樂 2、作形容詞的意思是:節日的,喜慶的;快樂的 短語: 1、music festival 音樂節 2、traditional festival 傳統節日 3、international film festival 國際電影節 4、art festival 藝術節 5、moon festival 中秋節 例句: The festival will feature pyrotechnics, live music, and sculptures. 節日裏將有煙花表演、現場音樂會和雕塑展。

擴展資料festival 的近義詞:celebration celebration 讀法 英 [selɪ'breɪʃ(ə)n] 美 [,sɛlɪ'breʃən] 作名詞的意思是: 慶典,慶祝會;慶祝;頌揚 短語: in celebration of 爲慶祝… 例句: 1、I can tell you, there was a celebration in our house that night. 跟你說吧,那天晚上我們在家裏搞了個慶祝活動。 2、This was not a memorial service but a celebration of his life. 這儀式不是追悼會,而是對他的生平的頌揚。

6. 元宵節的英語怎麼寫

The Lantern Festival。

關於元宵節的句子英語翻譯: 1、月圓人也圓,歡歡喜喜都笑顏;福來運更來,甜甜蜜蜜美夢裁;樂事伴喜事,倖幸福福喜滋滋;情久笑更久,美夢在你心中留!元宵節快樂! When the moon is full, people will smile when they are happy. When they are happy, they will be happy. When they are happy, they will be happy. When they are happy, they will be happy. When they are in love, they will laugh for a long time, and their dreams will stay in your heart! Happy Lantern Festival! 2、正月十五月兒圓,歡樂喜慶到人間;正月十五元宵甜,萬里河山盡開顏,正月十五幸福綿,好運好事喜連連,正月十五手相牽,幸福生活比蜜甜,短信一條到身邊,願您開心過新年! On the 15th day of the first month, the children are round and happy to the world; on the 15th day of the first month, the Yuanxiao is sweet and the rivers and mountains are full of beauty; on the 15th day of the first month, happiness is continuous and good luck and good things are continuous. On the 15th day of the first month, hand in hand, happy life is sweeter than honey. A text message comes to you, wishing you a happy New Year! 3、送你一碗圓圓湯圓,以幸福、快樂爲餡,用開心久久包圍,用團圓來薰陶,以吉祥爲湯水,在好運上慢慢熬製,只爲在元宵佳節送你,願你幸福一生安康! Send you a bowl of round dumplings, filled with happiness and happiness, surrounded by happiness for a long time, edified by reunion, soup with auspiciousness, boiled slowly on good luck, only to send you on the Lantern Festival, wish you a happy and healthy life! 4、月兒圓,人團圓,彩燈映紅佳節夜,舞龍獅,慶元宵,恭賀吉祥又如意,閤家歡,福滿堂,生活幸福人安康,祝你願願如意,事事順利,元宵節快樂! The moon is round, the people are reunited, the lantern is red, the dragon and lion are dancing, the Lantern Festival is celebrated, the auspiciousness and good luck are congratulated, the family is happy, the life is happy and the people are well-being, I wish you all the best, everything goes well, the Lantern Festival is happy! 5、元宵佳節到,花燈到處照。送您一碗特製湯圓:真心餡,好運料,健康皮,平安汁。

送您一份祝福,人團圓,樂逍遙,福無邊。祝您元宵快樂閤家歡! When the Lantern Festival comes, the lanterns are everywhere. Send you a bowl of special Tangyuan: sincere filling, good luck material, healthy skin, safe juice. Send you a blessing, people reunite, happy, boundless. Wish you a happy Lantern Festival!。

標籤:英語 元宵