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1、以星座爲話題做自我介紹:Im an Aries.Arians are supposed to be courageous leaders but troublesome followers.Half true.Im definitely a troublesome.follower.我是牧羊座的。牧羊座的人據說是很有膽識的領導人物,但同時也是很會惹麻煩的部屬。說對了一半,我的確是個麻煩的部屬。Im a Leo.Some good Leo traits are:broad-minded,loving,faithful.Bad traits are:bossy,patronizing.Im a typical Leo.Im faithful but patronizing.我屬獅子座。獅子座的優點是心胸競闊、有愛心,以及忠誠;缺點則是專橫、自以爲是。我就是典型的獅子座,忠誠卻又自負。


2、以性格、職業爲話題做自我介紹:Im a person of principle.I do not compromise.Because I dont smoke,I do not wear a T-shirt with a Marlboro logo,even if somebody gives one to me free.我是個有原則的人,絕對不會妥協。因爲我不抽菸,所以我也不會穿印有萬寶路字樣的T恤,即使有人免費送給我。

標籤:口語 六級