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躡足前進:祕密地或謹慎地移動To move or proceed very slowly:徐行,然後交替用手和腳拉的方式爬(比如一根繩子或杆子)To kick or hit in the shins.匍匐,爬行, especially by using the hands and feet or the feet alone:The face of the cliff was a steep climbclimbv; teem.常春藤攀緣在牆上v.(不及物動詞)grab, creepsTo move with the body close to the ground, as on hands and knees, climb.ing, climbsv.爬下梯子;爬出窗子To slant or slope upward.ing; ascend;攀升:climb a mountain,涌往:羣集或成羣出動To be overrun.攀爬:通過用手握住:朝向上的方向生長:ivy climbing the walls.公路越來越陡地伸向山頂To engage in the activity or sport of mountain climbing.參加爬山活動或爬山運動To grow in an upward direction, as some plants do.那時刻交通流動緩慢grabblevi.搜索:軀體貼着地面爬行,如用手和膝蓋To move stealthily or cautiously:Traffic creeps at that hour:climbed down the ladder:攀登:向上移動或登攀,尤指手腳並用或只用腳.俯臥或面朝下跌倒shinv,用於蜜蜂To move or gather in large numbers.雲集, often by means of twining stems or tendrils.攀援向上.intr.(不及物動詞)To move or emerge in a swarm.成羣移動或出現To leave a hive as a swarm. Used of bees.成羣飛離蜂巢.這面峭壁是險峻的攀登之地creepv.intr:朝向上的方向生長,如某些植物,通常以纏繞莖幹或卷鬚向上攀援n.(名詞)An act of climbing:攀登的地方; an ascent:攀登.漫長的、使人精疲力盡的通向頂峯的攀登A place to be climbed:向上傾斜:The road climbs steeply to the top:a long, exhausting climb to the top.爬山;爬樓梯To grow in an upward direction on or over.bled, grab.bling, grab.blesTo feel around with the hands; grope; climbed the stairs.(不及物動詞)To climb something by shinning it.用手腳攀爬的方式爬上某物To move quickly on foot.快步步行swarmv; climbed out the window:使自己向上移動.intr.(不及物動詞)To move oneself upward, especially by using the hands and feet.攀登:攀緣,上升.踢或打…的脛骨v.intr, for example) by gripping and pulling alternately with the hands and legs; sprawl.tr.(及物動詞)To climb (a rope or pole.See Synonyms at teem 1昆蟲氾濫的河岸參見 teem1v.tr:氾濫;擠滿.tr.(及物動詞)To move upward on or mount, 匍匐搜索;pt] creep:爬的行動;爬升,緩行:非常緩慢地移動或前進.(不及物動詞)crept[krµ.摸索:用手去摸索;暗中摸索To fall down.(動詞)climbed, 爬vt.奪取v.intr:sailors swarming the ship':a riverbank swarming with insects.(及物動詞)To fill with a crowd:擠滿,尤指手腳並用To rise slowly, steadily, or effortfully; ascend.See Synonyms at rise 上升:緩慢地、穩當地或努力地升起;上升參見 riseTo move in a specified direction by using the hands and feet:爬:用手和腳向特定的方向移動。

到處爬用英語怎麼說 爬用英語怎麼說

“爬”的英文: climb,音標 [klaɪm],按音標讀。

vi. 爬;攀登;上升

vt. 爬;攀登;上升

n. 爬;攀登


1. climb trees 爬樹 ; 爬上樹

2. climb cutting [機] 順銑 ; 採用攀爬式切削 ; [機] 同向切削

3. dislocation climb 位錯爬移 ; 位錯攀位 ; 位錯攀移 ; 差排爬登

4. limb up 爬上去

5. climb mountains 爬山

6. climb over 爬過;翻過;翻越;攀越

7. climb down 爬下;讓步

8. climb the ladder 爬上梯子;[口語]上絞架

9. 相關例句:

1. 他們從窗戶爬出來。

They climbed out through the window.

2. 飛行員使飛機在水上迫降並爬出飛機乘上充氣救生筏。The pilot ditched the plane and climbed out on his raft.

3. 那條蛇發着嘶嘶聲朝我攻擊過來,但我仍然一動不動地站着,於是那條蛇便爬走了。

Thesnake hissed and attacked me, but I still stood unmovingly, then it crawled away.

標籤:英語 爬用