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1. 保持樂觀的心態 的英文翻譯

保持樂觀的心態的英文:Keep an optimistic attitude 一、optimistic 讀法 英 [ˌɒptɪˈmɪstɪk] 美 [ˌɑ:ptɪˈmɪstɪk] adj.樂觀的,樂觀主義的 短語: cautiously optimistic 審慎樂觀 optimistic estimate 樂觀估計;最樂觀時間 二、attitude 讀法 英 [ˈætɪtju:d] 美 [ˈætɪtu:d] n.態度;看法;姿勢;個人風格 短語: aesthetic attitude 審美態度;美感態度 attitude to win 渴望勝利 attitude of mind 思想方法;觀點 aggressive attitude 侵犯態度 social attitude 社會態度 attitude change 態度改變 attitude survey 態度調查 擴展資料attitude的用法: 1、attitude的基本意思是“態度,看法”,指一個人的態度、心態、感覺及想法等,作此解時常與介詞to或towards連用,表示“對…的態度或看法”。


2、attitude也可作“姿態,姿勢”解,是正式用語。 3、attitude前用介詞in時常與靜態動詞搭配使用,用介詞with時常與動態動詞搭配使用。

4、attitude後常接towards/to,指“對於……的態度,看法”,如her attitude towards/to the question(她對這個問題的看法)。 值得注意的是,因上面例子中的賓語是question,有時候可以用on代替to,如her attitude on the question。

2. 以心態爲話題寫一篇一分鐘的英文短文、

自信的心態 On Confidence As we all know, “Failure is the mother of success.” But I just want to say“Success is the baby of confidence.” First of all, confidence makes us happier in our life. Life is like a wonderful song, a bright and colorful painting. If confidence is with us in our life, we will find that life really becomes richer and more interesting. Then, confidence makes us brave and courageous. If we lack confidence in ourselves, how can we overcome difficulties we meet with? If we have no confideuce in ourselves, how can we succeed in developing ourselves in the future?Without confidence, nothing can be accomplished. That is to say, if you want to win, you have to believe in yourself. Finally, I would like to use the following words as our mutual encouragement:“If you think you can, you can.” 論自信 衆所周知,“失敗是成功之母”,但是,我只想說:“成功是自信之子。


其次,自信能使我們變得英勇無比。假如我們缺乏自信,那麼如何去克服遇到的困難呢?假如沒有自信,又如何在未來成功地發展自己呢?沒有自信,你就不可能做鹹任何事情,也就是說,如果你想成功,你必須相信自己! 最後,我想用下面一句話與你共勉:“如果你認爲你能成功,你一定會成功!” 請採納 謝謝。

3. 調整自己的心態積極面對用英語怎麼說

英語:來Adjust their attitude to actively face日語:自分の気持ちを調整自して積極的に直面する韓語:자신의 심리 상태를 조절할 억척스러우면서도法語:Ajuster leur attitude positive face à德語2113:Die geisteshaltung, die an Sich positiv gegenüber俄語: изменить5261 свой ментал4102итет активно лицо1653。
